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Episode 26: Timeship by Yaquinto Publications

Episode 26: Timeship by Yaquinto Publications

Timeship has, let’s say, a checkered reputation in the RPG community. This episode your intrepid Halflings delve into a game that mandates a player play themselves, travel back in time, and (among other things) kill Hitler. What’s not to like? More than you’d think with a opening like that. Will DM Jim ever forgive DM Mike for choosing this game? Listen and find out! No players were harmed in the making of this show,...

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Episode 25: Awful Green Things from Outer Space by SJG

Episode 25: Awful Green Things from Outer Space by SJG

What more can we say about episode 25 of Save for Half? Only they’re awful, they’re green…and they’re from outer space! Yes, it’s that quirky Tom Wham boardgame first published in Dragon magazine #28, and was in its 8th edition in a box set from Steve Jackson Games. Come join the Halflings aboard the Znuta as we fight aliens, no matter what side you’re on! No Awful Green Things were harmed in the making...

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Episode 24.5: Alarums & Excursions with Jon Peterson

Episode 24.5: Alarums & Excursions with Jon Peterson

Save for Half is back with another sideshow, this time featuring the return of the Arch-RPG Historian himself Jon Peterson! He joins the Halflings for a discussion of the seminal D&D fanzine Alarums & Excursions, and we discuss the first five issues of that APA; now available online as pdfs. Articles, filk songs, and recipes are discussed with varying degrees of efficacy on this somewhat tardy sideshow… No D&Ds were...

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Episode 24: Empire of the Petal Throne by TSR

Episode 24: Empire of the Petal Throne by TSR

It’s a legend in the RPG community, M.A.R. Barker’s famous Tekumel is brought to you by the halfling horde’s inimitable wit! Well, half of it anyway… The Empire of the Petal Throne is arguably the first D&D variant world to see publication, and it’s got more detail than you can shake a dice bag at. The Halflings take a review of the world of the Petal Throne, its rules that vary from Dungeons &...

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Episode 23:The Hero’s Journey 2E by Gallant Knight Games

Episode 23:The Hero’s Journey 2E by Gallant Knight Games

What’s this? —said in our best Batman ’66 announcer voice — A review of a game that has only just finished its Kickstarter? Your Fab Four Halflings come through again with a review of The Hero’s Journey, 2E! We discuss its (new) mechanics, its good points, and Liz’s disappointment about the color of kobolds. No, really! It’s part of the show! Honest! No Changelings were given jobs as Teamsters on this episode....

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Episode 22.5: James Michael Spahn and The Hero’s Journey 2E

Episode 22.5: James Michael Spahn and The Hero’s Journey 2E

Welcome to the New Year! Your Halflings are joined by noted game designer James Spahn to talk about his new update of The Hero’s Journey Fantasy RPG, Kickstarting this month. We discuss his game philosophies, new innovations that make The Hero’s Journey 2E his ideal RPG, and his plans for the future. Tune in, and tune up to the Save for Half Sideshow! No kobolds were harmed in the making of this episode, not even the green...

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Episode 22: Aftermath! by FGU

Episode 22: Aftermath! by FGU

It’s the Post-Apocalypse, and you are a lone survivor battling the radioactive wastes with a pistol, sneakers, and all the armor that hit location #12 can hold! That’s right, it’s Aftermath by Fantasy Games Unlimited, and your Halflings delve into how the world ended in 1981! DM Jim failed his barter roll with the landshark, so we are joined this episode by DM Ben of the legendary realms of New York. Flowcharts, bicycles, and the relative...

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