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Episode 10.5: Son of Holmes!

Episode 10.5: Son of Holmes!

It’s email time in the Halflings’ Hideaway, and after responding to some listener feedback we have a discussion with Chris Holmes! For those not in the know, Chris is the son of J. Eric Holmes, the author of Holmes Basic Dungeons & Dragons! We talk characters, his Tales of Peril project, purple worms, and…Herculoids? No Tom Hanks were harmed in the making of this episode, not even Pardue the Holy man!   Links...

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Episode 10: Holmes Basic Dungeons & Dragons

Episode 10: Holmes Basic Dungeons & Dragons

It’s the grandaddy of Basic D&D, the blue book edited by Dr. J. Eric Holmes! This little gem from the late 1970s brings us the question of trying to sell RPGs in mass market stores. It also begs other questions, such as how many ogres you need to mug to level up, why unicorns blow, and what vampires are doing in a game that limits players’ characters to levels 1-3? All this and more will be answered on this episode of Save...

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Episode 9: Star Trek RPG by FASA

Episode 9: Star Trek RPG by FASA

Space is big, really big, but Star Trek by FASA is definitely bigger. Be prepared to sit on the edge of your seat in anticipation of the awesome spectacle that is the Save for Half Podcast crew Trekkin it up! With an Easter egg that you don’t have to wait for the end of the show to catch, because DM Jim is in da house! On top of that we have DM Jeff! Who is that, you say, well only the Trekkin-ist Trekkie to ever go on a Trek. You...

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Episode 8.5: Gaming Magazines with Tim Kask, pt 2

Episode 8.5: Gaming Magazines with Tim Kask, pt 2

HUR-rey, HUR-rey! HUR-rey! Come one, come all to the Save for Half Sideshow! We read some more emails from the fans, discuss minis at the table, and move into Part 2 of our talk with The Curmudgeon himself—Tim Kask. This show he talks about his return to the hobby in the 2000s and his work as consulting editor of Gygax magazine. We wrap up with discussions of where publishing is going in the digital age, so listen! No magazines were harmed...

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Episode 8: SuperBabes—The Femforce RPG

Episode 8: SuperBabes—The Femforce RPG

Excelsior, True-Believers! We’re putting on the spandex this episode for superheroic adventures; notably SuperBabes: The Femforce RPG published by Selex Inc. and Tri-City Games. Published in 1993, it reflects many of the comic book paradigms of the era as well as a couple of interesting innovations. Take a listen and we’ll bring you 4-color adventure as only audio can! No jugglers were harmed in the making of this episode, not...

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Episode 7.5: Gaming Magazines with Tim Kask, pt 1

Episode 7.5: Gaming Magazines with Tim Kask, pt 1

Back in the day, gaming magazines were the lifeblood of the role-playing hobby. News, plugs, variant rules—it was all in the pages of the magazines at your friendly local game store! Tim Kask joins us for a discussion of his time and work on gaming magazines like The Strategic Review, The Dragon, Adventure Gaming, and Gygax magazine! Part 1 of 2. No cats were harmed in the making of this episode, no matter what you hear. We promise. Links...

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Episode 7: Castles & Crusades

Episode 7: Castles & Crusades

This is it, the granddaddy of all the Old School Revival games! Castles & Crusades, published in 2003, has a loyal fan base that has put the PHB on its 7th printing, showing robust life in a field now crammed with retro-clones. Though C&C isn’t a retro-clone per se, it was designed to emulate old-school Fantasy RPGs in a way that Gary Gygax would be happy to write for. Sit down and enjoy as your Save for Halflings crack open this...

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