Saddle up y’all, and go for yer guns! The Halflings rustle up a passel of Western catch-phrases for this episode of the podcast! We’re covering Boot Hill (1st and 2nd editions) and talk about weapons, maps, guns and a surprising lack of “Men with No Name”(TM). No outlaws were harmed in the making of this podcast, except when Liz shot Mike…but she didn’t shoot the deputy! Links mentioned in...
Read MoreEpisode 10: Holmes Basic Dungeons & Dragons
It’s the grandaddy of Basic D&D, the blue book edited by Dr. J. Eric Holmes! This little gem from the late 1970s brings us the question of trying to sell RPGs in mass market stores. It also begs other questions, such as how many ogres you need to mug to level up, why unicorns blow, and what vampires are doing in a game that limits players’ characters to levels 1-3? All this and more will be answered on this episode of Save...
Read MoreEpisode 7: Castles & Crusades
This is it, the granddaddy of all the Old School Revival games! Castles & Crusades, published in 2003, has a loyal fan base that has put the PHB on its 7th printing, showing robust life in a field now crammed with retro-clones. Though C&C isn’t a retro-clone per se, it was designed to emulate old-school Fantasy RPGs in a way that Gary Gygax would be happy to write for. Sit down and enjoy as your Save for Halflings crack open this...
Read MoreEpisode 5: Top Secret
Get your trench coats and code books, in this show the Halflings enter the murky world of Cold War espionage with 1980s Top Secret RPG from TSR. DM Liz takes the reins as lead host, and won’t give it back! Thrills, chills, and treachery abounds as we strive to answer the question: Can an Old School RPG have too many tables? Links mentioned in this show: Amazon – Top Secret box set...
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