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Found in the Ruins episode #2: Pulp Apocalypse Review

Found in the Ruins episode #2: Pulp Apocalypse Review

The 1970s and 80s were a time of apocalyptic fears, and what better way to promote them than through cheap paperbacks? That’s right, your favorite Wastelanders Boom Mike and Doc Benny discuss this time as reflected in the book Pulp Apocalypse; a collection of synopses and interviews brought to you by the Paperback Warrior and his crew to scratch the itch of any Road Warrior. But probably no cannibalism. Well, not much anyway! So,...

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Episode 53: Star Wars D6 from West End Games

Episode 53: Star Wars D6 from West End Games

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Ok, 37 years ago and not so far away the Star Wars RPG was first published by West End Games. We consider the game itself, the idea of dice pools, and answer that age-old question of why are there no ladders to buy in the Star Wars Universe? Come for the enthusiasm of DM Corbett for memories of playing the game; stay for DM Mike’s surprising lack of ‘Bahs’ in this show! No...

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Found in the Ruins episode #1: “What is a Post-Apocalypse?”

Found in the Ruins episode #1: “What is a Post-Apocalypse?”

What’s this, you ask? It’s a side project podcast that covers Post-Apocalyptic books, games, movies, and what not. Hosts Boom Mike and Doc Benny take this first episode to introduce themselves and tell you their interpretations of the Post-Apocalypse. What is it, what isn’t it, and what will be covered in the future on this sorta-monthly podcast by the folks who bring you Save For Half! So, take a listen and keep in mind...

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Episode 52.5: Star Wars, 1977 Edition

Episode 52.5: Star Wars, 1977 Edition

Get ready True Believers for a first…a Prequel Save for Half! We’ll be reviewing the West End Games Star Wars D6 RPG in episode 53, but first we invite the Curmudgeon in the Cellar himself Tim Kask on to talk about 1977’s Star Wars and its impact on us and the RPG community. Yes, some of us are really old enough to remember Star Wars when it just referred to a single film instead of the Disney juggernaut it is today....

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Episode 52: I6 Ravenloft by Tracy & Laura Hickman

Episode 52: I6 Ravenloft by Tracy & Laura Hickman

You’ve heard of Christmas in July? Well, welcome to Halloween in January! Your Fab-lings start the new year with a ‘Bleh!’ with everyone’s favorite vampire Strahd in the original AD&D module I6: Ravenloft by Tracy and Laura Hickman. Thrills, chills, and NPCs with Motives™ abound in this episode of Save For Half! No vampires were harmed in the making of this podcast, well…yes they were but there’s always more on the...

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Episode 51.5: Emails & 2023 Retrospective

Episode 51.5: Emails & 2023 Retrospective

It’s December, which means it’s time for the patented Save for Half year-end retrospective and email hot tub time machine! Well, DM Liz reads some emails anyway. Forgive our delay in getting to some of these emails, but we kept them in the same calendar year so that’s got to count for something, right? Right? No Dwarves were harmed in the making of this podcast, only their nerves!   Links mentioned in this show: 3...

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Episode 51: Gamma World 4E by TSR

Episode 51: Gamma World 4E by TSR

What’s this? Your Fab Four covering Gamma World again? Keep patient True Believers, because this isn’t the Gamma World you remember from the late 1970s. This is the 1992 revamp of our favorite game of mutations and murderbots! New rules system, new mutations, and yet the same favorite mutant creatures you know and love. Is it better? Worse? Tune in and find out in this episode of Save for Half! No mutants were harmed in the...

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