Found in the Ruins episode #4: Smackdown! Night vs. Night

It’s the first Smackdown episode of Found in the Ruins! In this corner is Night of the Living Dead, 1968 edition. In the other corner is Night of the Living Dead, 1990 edition. Who will win? Who will lose? Are both great? Neither? Only this podcast (and maybe Shane Plays) can answer the question! Come for the first Zombie Apocalypse, stay for the Coopers!

So, take a listen and keep in mind we are spoiler-rich! Especially for 40-year old books and movies…


Links mentioned in this show:

Night of the Living dead (1968) on Wikipedia

Night of the Living dead (1990) on Wikipedia

Shane Plays podcast #277: Zombie Movies

Don’t forget to drop us an email at foundintheruins at that gmail place to give your opinions of the show!

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One Response to “Found in the Ruins episode #4: Smackdown! Night vs. Night”

  1. Chris Holmes says:

    Interesting an entertaining. If there is one thing about zombies that bothers everyone; it is how inconsistent their intelligence is. The thing that gets me is how fast or slow the virus affects those who are bit. Talking to you Zach Snyder, but Romero as well. You have intrigued me enough to say I might watch the re-make of Night someday after I have watched all the original movies on earth.